Our aim is to provide the best possible products and service to our customers. In pursuit of this goal, we offer you many resources which can be downloaded directly from our website - 24/7.

In 2009, Glunz & Jensen made the decision to move our offset processor manuals on to our website, instead of sending them on a CD with the equipment, as we had done earlier. Our primary reason for making this change was so that our customers would always have the latest data on hand and so that these resources were always available – not just when our customer support team was at the office.

Since then, we have added many other resources to the website, including software updates, sales tools and marketing materials.

If you cannot find the resources you are looking for, please don't hestitate to contact us.


  • should only be reproduced from master artwork
  • should be placed in as much clear space as possible
  • preferred background - white
  • second preffered background choice - logo reversed out in white on black

Glunz & Jensen, colour

Glunz & Jensen: Pantone Cool Gray 11
The 4 Hearts: Pantone Red 032



Glunz & Jensen, black/white

Glunz & Jensen: Pantone Cool Gray 11
The 4 Hearts: Pantone Cool Gray 8




Demonstrial videos


Glunz & Jensen iCtP PlateWriter 3000

PlateWriter 3600 Pro Video


CTP para periódicos Pymes, Newswriter (Spanish)

Glunz & Jensen iCtP NewsWriter

Low Chemistry

HDX NewsSpeed Animation

Mounting Tables

FlexMount 1320/1700

Automated In-Liner System

FlexLine Product Video

Offset Plateline

Compact Stacker Assembly

Testimonial videos


iCtP - Glunz & Jensen in Peru (in Spanish)

Testimonial by Benz Presswerks (English)


NewsProgress Testimonial (English)

Erhvervscase - V2 - 22-09-2021

Produktvideo - V2 - 22-09-2021

Ejer Øko-Tryk - V2 - 19-10-2021

Thomas Øko-Tryk - V2 - 19-10-2021

Erhvervscase Thomas - V3 - 22-09-2021