In the interest of the
The purpose of Glunz & Jensen A/S’ Investor Relations activities is to ensure that the market for the Companys shares is liquid, and that the market pricing of its shares fully reflects the Companys results and future earnings potential. A further objective is to increase the number of shareholders and to support good Corporate Governance. Glunz & Jensen A/S aims to have an ongoing, timely and open dialogue with current and potential shareholders, equity analysts and other financial stakeholders, subject to current stock exchange regulations. Through this dialogue and its other communications activities Glunz & Jensen A/S seeks to establish awareness and understanding for the Companys activities, results and strategies, as well as the developments on the markets on which the Company operates. Further, Glunz & Jensen A/S communicates its financial targets for the future and is reporting on its financial performance in relation to these targets on an ongoing basis. Glunz & Jensen A/S will not during a period of three weeks, the Companys so-called close period, prior to planned announcements of quarterly, semi-annual and full-year results, comment externally on the Companys financial results or expectations. Only the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, has the right to communicate externally regarding Investor Relations matters.